Look what I found whilst suffering with nocturnal swamp fever.
How to produce a mathematical model for disease spread,fatality ratios ,survival and control........
consider the zombie epidemic........best linky ever This is some serious maths/science presented in the most amusing way possible.One of the co-authors on this piece is called Robert Smith? his name really does include a question mark.
They use the mathematical models applied to outbreaks of infectious diseases to show that -- without a cure or concerted eradication of large percentages of zombies simultaneously -- we are well and truly buggered . There is a good piece on it here at the Times
There is even a book due out called zombology by a science writer.
10 years ago
When there's no room left in hell..
I hope these calculations are based on the slow-moving real zombies, not those stupid, modern fast moving ones. Everyone knows zombies can't run........
Zombies? This is your idea of fun? I won't sleep a wink tonight for fear of zombies banging my door down ......
Well I worked on all his calculations and he's wrong :0)
and no I wont sleep tonight either.
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