Monday, 19 October 2009

Of mice and money.

Sorry Mr Steinbeck I stole and altered your title.
I was wandering the webisphere when I came across this article, I read it and chuckled in a very unhumerous fashion,BT have been doing this to me for yonks,they charge £4.50 a quarter if you pay in cash for 'processing your payment' and then they stick an extra fiver on your next bill if you don't pay within a few days.In fact this quarter they have excelled even their usual money grubbing standards,it seems they have renewed my contract with them while I was looking the other way,in the process they have added an extra weeks debt to my bill to take the piss "covers your broadband from when you took up the service right up to your next bill".All because I am a poor person who daren't hold plastic etc.
While I am having a good old whine about money,my boss had an episode of gall bladder pain at the weekend and thanks to private healthcare has already seen a surgeon and had a scan.............
Now for the smelly yucky bit of my blog,somewhere under my bedroom floorboards is a deceased mouse,I can smell it,I have taken up any loose boards I can find  and I still can't find the body,I am not a happy lady.I cannot disguise the smell,if I use enough air freshener/incense to cover it I shall die of asthma,hopefully it will soon ruddy mummify.Maybe I should send a cat mummy after it ?
Oh by the way,pop over to digital cuttlefish and read this little amusing poetic piece about that stupid man, his weather-balloon and the not floating away kid.


seasidegirl said...

send in Lucifer, he likes bringing you back mice! i once had a dead thing in my shed but I never did find out what it was...

Is Broadband from BT the best deal you can get? I would have thought you could get it cheaper,or is it because you are paying cash?

that_woman said...

I dare not let the cat under the floorboards,I can imagine the smell if he got stuck.The pong is dissipating now thank goodness.
If you want reliable service out here in the woods and mountains of the fens you need to use BT,I must give them their due on that,I have rarely had any loss of connection,mind you don't ask Grubby his BT line is absolutely awful.