Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Waxing lyrical and a moan.

Just occasionally I have the soul of a poet.I was walking down the street in my little hamlet t'other day,the sun was shining,the breeze was  just a breath and the trees were shedding red and gold confetti,today I walked down the street,it was dull and damp and the trees were crying yellow tears for the end of summer.......

Now for the moan,even allowing for the muddy footed moggy how does a single person manage to accumulate four ruddy hours worth of ironing? and what the heck was I thinking when I took the covers off the chair and sofa for washing,do you think I could have old timers?

add on bit of blog
Maybe it was a good job today was soggy, I went to get in the bath and discovered I had been wearing my tee-shirt inside out all day,then I fell asleep in the bath only to wake frozen,so now I am off to my electric blanket,mind you after the way today has been I will probably wake up dead.............


grubby macmacintosh said...

Hmmm I could be on a winner here .....
I'll bring my washing round .....

that_woman said...

Listen here Mr I don't do ironing,ever.........

Anonymous said...

Lovely autumn photo.

I don't think you have old timers, it is a touch of the rush before the winter months - it is when I get the urge to wash all the curtains and start decorating before I hibernate!

Wake up dead? An interesting notion but I know the feeling!