Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The Jenny Wren made it

but there is a sparrow currently napping behind the chest of drawers in my bedroom ,I can't catch him and put him out as the rain is monsoon like,so I have shut the cat out and will have to release the bird at dawn tomorrow.This is not what I needed to have been doing at half two in the morning
We go through bouts of this hunting stuff,for a couple of weeks Lucifer catches anything he can,then we see no more prey for a couple of months...............


seasidegirl said...

'm glad she survived but be very careful with that sparrow. I onced 'saved'an injured sparrow from the cats, put it in a box in the shed with some water so it could recover. It didn't recover but did creep away to die in an unknown cornef of the shed. Of course, it was only findable by the 'dead thing' whiff. Ever spent a long summer afternoon trying to find the dead thing in your shed?

Anonymous said...

Glad you managed to save the little wren.

London sparrows are rarely seen these days. We do seem to have a lot of magpies though but, not at the moment of course, they have all gone to sunnier climes.

I do miss London sparrows though and I hope your little sparrer makes it.

that_woman said...

Sparrow flew out the bedroom window at first light,minus a dew tail feathers but fine.
Where do London magpies go in winter? the country ones don't go anywhere.

Anonymous said...

No idea where they go but they seem to vanish. They are very noisy but, winter creeps in and the magpies are nowhere to be seen. As soon as it gets warm again they come back, making more noise than ever and fighting with the squirrels which, incidentally, also seem to have disappeared!