Saturday, 21 November 2009

Life only gets better.Meet Goonie.

I have managed to secure myself more work by way of networking and an add in the post office.....woohoo.
I am also celebrating being very naughty,I have a new rescue hen,before I got her I was going to call her Mildred,but she has an old healed injury to one eye and doesn't see so well out of it.So being not quite one-eyed Willy her name is kids and I loved that film,in fact when I wore the old video tape out, my youngest got it for me on DVD...for mother's day.


Anonymous said...

Wow! No holding you back! Great things are looking bright again.

seasidegirl said...

Oh look, you sneaked another one in :-) Looks very happy. Some films just stay favourites forever...are you going to have a re-run at christmas? (With popcorn....)

that_woman said...

I must be getting old, popcorn gets stuck in my teeth,can I have a bag of opal fruits instead.
Do you remember the days when a whole family shared what is now seen as a portion?
I have asked the hen rescue lady not to let me have any more until the demise of at least one of the old ladies,otherwise I would be over run with hennies.