Sunday, 22 November 2009

That dratted cat.

:fuming: :fuming: :fuming:No wonder he answers to the name Lucifer,look what he brought in a few minutes ago,
luckily I was quick off the mark and managed to get it before any damage was done,I have tucked it up in a big growth of ivy for the night,so fingers and toes crossed.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh. Glad you saved him.

Hey! how did you do those little face things???? They are brilliant

seasidegirl said...

Poor little thing, did it survive? the shock usually kills them. I've never saved one yet and i've tried everything. Has lucifer ot a bell? i now it would spoli his image.

grubby macmacintosh said...

well 2 things to say ....
Lucifer and a bell is like a 30 nanosecond early warning system .... and aren't those fingernails really good ?

that_woman said...

Lucifer learnt to stalk things soundlessly with three bells on his collar,when I had to rescue him from a tree where he was hanging by the collar I gave up and removed it.