Sunday, 20 December 2009


Well I have been a busy bunny.........since we last chatted I have :
Had most of my hair cut off,made three fugly hens for a chicken keeper friend and taken orders for two more from another ex-batt keeper,proceeds to a hen rescue charity,

I have made two baby cardis with matching hats,made a start on two five pointed star blankies,been to work dog knows how many times,defrosted the hen's drinking water endlessly and laughed at their gingerness in the snow,had the kids to dinner and watched them devour a joint that would have fed me for at least a week and changed the sheets a lot thanks to a mucky footed moggy.........
I have also listened to youngest when she got all worried about some spotting,I explained just how common it is in early pregnancy and don't panic,if this one doesn't work at least she knows now that she can get pregnant.I have listened to next one up as she vomits with morning sickness on speaker phone and I have listened to oldest daughter moan because she isn't pregnant again....I am thinking of having my ears surgically sealed up.


grubby macmacintosh said...

most of your hair cut off ?
Rubbish, you just asked me tidy it up a bit, and cut it in a straight line at the back.
Anyway I'm so pleased with the result I'm going to open a hair salon ......

that_woman said...

7+ inches is more than the inch and a half I asked for ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ah! Now I know what a fugly is!

Love the cardis and hats and the five pointed star blankies.

All seemed well until I got to the comments. GRUMPS! You cut off how much???

Mind you, that hairdressing salon you are setting up might do well. After all, how many hairdressers actually do what you ask for?

seasidegirl said...

You let him cut your hair? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! Love the crochet. I've still got the baby shawls my mum knitted mine.