Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Busy busy bee

I have been busily crocheting away,the offspring are already arguing over who is having which item.
I am pleased to tell you that they like my interpretation of the hexagon cardigan.For some reason I could only take a fuzzy photo of the little blankie for Sam's sensory corner but it does seem to be what she and James want.

Talking of Sam,she had her first scan today,the baby is officially due on Friday the 13th of august,so another little demon in the family,it took them two hours to be able to do the scan,would you believe a 5cm foetus wriggled so much that they took that long to be able to measure it. I happily said to Sam"imagine how hyperactive it will be by age four"


grubby macmacintosh said...

Hmm, Happily said ... and who'se going to be baby sitting in exchange for shopping trips to Asda then ?

seasidegirl said...

Wow, you've been busy, they are going to be the best dressed babes in town.

Nice to have a wriggly baby, already letting you know they are there...

Unknown said...

I've been crocheting too for family and friends, no new wrigglers imminent in my family, so I have been crocheting hats to keep their lugs warm during this cold weather.
Wrigglers are ok til they get a foot stuck in your groin..:0)

Anonymous said...

You really have been busy haven't you! I love the little cardigans and the crochet blanket is stunning. I can knit okay but never mastered the art of crochet.