Firstly,that tip of the day..........
If you put hair colour on, then put marmalade on, then realise halfway through everything that..........
a) the water won't be hot in time to rinse your hair
b) your hair and the marmalade will be done at the same time
you are in trouble,so turn boiling fruit off,stoke up fire to heat water as well as turning immersion heater on,then give your hair its quickest rinse ever,turn marmalade back on whilst trying to wrap hair in a towel.
At least I am not the only one who makes things like this see here.
More seriously,we are having a family panic,we have all been worried about youngest and her spotting during pregnancy whilst we thought middling daughter was muddling along just fine.
Middle daughter Sarah went for her 12 week scan Wednesday it threw up some anomalies so they immediately did a nuchal translucency scan,which suggested there was a very high chance of baby having a chromosomal anomaly like Down's syndrome or trisomy 18,well they sent her for a cvs test the next day,which is pretty horrid and carries a risk of miscarriage,she got the results today,her 25th birthday,no extra or missing chromosomes so that rules out all the more common problems,she now has to wait three weeks to find out if there are any translocation errors,insertion or deletion errors in the babies genes,but it looks a lot more promising than it did two days ago.And if all is okay we will know whether we need pink or blue too.
I thought I would make her a yummy cake,an old fashioned butter cream and jam filled birthday cake(her fave).I went to the shop in the village for eggs as my girls have been off lay for weeks,they only had cheap evil eggs,not only will I not buy them, but daughter would rather have a scone than eat anything battery,I went to see my friend who has pet hens but she had already given her spare eggs away.Then last night as I was tucking my girls in for the night what did I find,three perfect eggs in the nest box..........It may be a good omen.
10 years ago
as long as your hair didn't turn out marmalade colour....
all my love and hopes for your daughters, I know they will be fine.
and the eggs a good omen? that you can be sure of xxxx
Lol SSG but people like Marmalade cats, why not a marmalade TW.
My best wishes to your daughter TW. Though I love my grand-daughter with Down's syndrome dearly....I know the cost involving stress in bringing up children with difficulties is high. So glad that test was found negative for your daughter.
The marmalade sounds scrummy, I love lime marmalade but limes usually so dear to buy
Now don't start on about your fresh eggs know I'm envious
I have heeded your timely warning and will never again attempt to colour my hair whilst making marmalade :-)
I could write a book for you on all the people I have known who have had traumatic pregnancies and then given birth to very healthy babies but, don't worry, I won't! Instead I will just keep my fingers and toes crossed that all turns out well despite the worries along the way.
I think the hennies must indeed have laid those eggs specially for your daughter's birthday cake. :-)
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