Thursday, 25 February 2010

Oops ! I did it again !

So there I am minding my own business when I see a small child being really quite awful to her pet guinea pigs,her Mum said she was desperately looking for a home for them...........Grubby just laughed and suggested I apply for charitable status as an animal sanctuary.........


Anonymous said...

Ooops! you certainly have done it again :-)

They are very sweet though but ... how are you going to explain the new arrivals to the hennies?

Oooh and you forgot the details like names?

that_woman said...

The one with the white flash is called Twinkle Star thanks to my friends 6 yr old,the one nearest the camera is yer-mum named by my Sarah and t'other is Spicey.

grubby macmacintosh said...

and the cat calls them ?

seasidegirl said...

Aw' they are lovely. Guinea pig make those great squeaky noises and bounce up and down when they are pleased to see you....... much more personality than rabbits.

I suspect the cat would like to call them breakfast.

seasidegirl said...

Just had another thought. These guinea pigs, are they all he same sex or neutered, or whatever it is you do to guinea pigs?

Because, knowing you, you might end up with a guinea pig population explosion...