Thursday, 4 March 2010

Today I really ,really need a cigarette

As you regulars will know I have a pair of pregnant daughters,sadly my poor Sarah has had more bad news.
Having gotten the all clear after CVS testing it has now been discovered that baby has hypoplastic right heart syndrome and at the very least will need major heart surgery as soon as he is born.Sarah is off to Leicester tomorrow to see a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon,we will know more then.Now Sam has to go for extra tests as it turns out their fathers family forgot to tell anyone that they had a child who died from a congenital heart defect.
So now I am knitting(yes I have taught myself to knit) little easy access clothes with lots of odd fastenings and openings for tubes etc,so if the little peanut makes it he will still have to suffer nanny's clothes.
I have had to come off my medication for arthritis,I have been having a whole load of odd symptoms from disturbed vision and vertigo to palpitations and rat up the nether regions wind amongst others,seems my body really doesn't like anti inflammatories.So back to square one with that.
Can I have a ciggy now ? please !


Anonymous said...

Oh! I am tempted to say yes, you deserve a ciggie after all you and yours are going through but, No! don't weaken now.

Needless to say, all fingers and toes are crossed that your little peanut and his cousin will arrive safely.

Side affects from the medication is the last thing you need right now. Hopefully the meds will come up with some alternatives.

Here's hoping that all will be well. xxx

grubby macmacintosh said...

If you start puffing again ,I'll be so furious ..... It's 21 days for me oh and 5 1/2 hours and um 12 seconds, not that I'm missing the weed or anything
As for second youngest , well you know my feelings on it. Life ain't fair.
As to your medication .... I'll pass comment tomorrow !!!

seasidegirl said...

Please don't. Hang in there for all your sakes, but mostly your own xx

I have everything crossed for the little one who I am sure will be a little fighter and proudly wear his nanny's jumpers. Hand knitting is blissfully soft and gentle on little ones and you special clothes will be there giving him an extra cuddle.

Anti inflammatories don't suit everyone, there are different types, ask your doctor. If not, have a look at the natural alternatives. If it is localised pain, a lot of my crafty friends in the US use capsaicin cream on their hands.

Look after yourself and try not to have that ciggy xxxx

seasidegirl said...

PS Just thought, the wind problem is probably down to the omeprazole not the anti-inflammatories.