Friday, 2 April 2010

I'm back.

And I have a lot of cussing to do.
Since I last blogged here a lot of stuff has happened,some manky strange cat broke in and managed to get into the cage and ate all four of my beautiful little zebra finches,a falcon/hawk/raptor of some kind  attacked my aviary, luckily it only managed to remove a single tail feather from one of the pooters ability to surf the web died upon my finally giving in and downloading SP3................the weird thing is it functions perfectly when SP3 is an integral part of this new installation disk .
I am now on no medication for the bone and tendon issues as the GP has banned me from the nsaids as they make me wheeze, give me bad guts and bruise etc etc so pain is my middle name at the moment.
I was due to get two pretty leather sofas delivered tomorrow or Sunday but the son in law can't pick them up as his grandmother decided to die yesterday and he has to deal with family stuff.
There is a mouse loose in the house somewhere thanks to Lucifer cats mischief and two different friends have asked if I would look at their  pooters tomorrow.
The good news is I still haven't smoked and having no pooter I have learned to knit properly.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back :-)

seasidegirl said...

LOL nothing changes! You are now officially a computer technician so remember Lee's golden guide, when in doubt, just re-install Windows..........

So, have a good Easter break,if that cat tries to scratch your new sofas, knit it a stright-jacket.

grubby macmacintosh said...

not sure where this year is going ..... except bloody quick.
I reckon it's this no smoking thing which has fazed 'that woman' and I
Mind you she's not grumpy, that's my prerogative !!!!
So I'll bugger orf and do some more work, and if I've got a moment I'll pop on and make a sarcastic comment.
Life isn't a bowl of jelly is it ?