Thursday, 15 April 2010

My own horror film.

Sometimes I feel as though I am living a horror film,this one isn't 'the birds' though,it should be entitled killer I have blogged previously a random strange cat broke in and ate my beautiful little zebra finches and then the other night I came in from work to find the evil Lucifer had got another random cat pinned in a corner,it having snuck in his cat flap, and was screaming in that awful way only a tom cat can,now I know better than to touch my cat when he is even slightly tetchy I certainly wasn't risking his wrath with him yowling like that,so I opened the back door and waved my arms around to no avail,then fearing for its safety I picked up the random visiting cat...........big error,a terrified cat is a dangerous critter.I have huge deep claw marks and a badly bruised forearm where the cats claw must have popped a vein...........
Not very clear,but taking pics of the back of your wrist ain't easy...........

On a much lighter note,you know how some people sneeze when they look at very bright lights or the sun,well would you believe the science bods called it 'ATCHOO ' syndrome,autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome.


Anonymous said...

Flipping heck! That looks painful. Silly thing to say really, because it obviously is painful!

I think I might have Atchoo Syndrome - is there a support group? :-)


seasidegirl said...

Ouchie, that looks like puncture wounds, was it a vampire cat? Dratted things have no sense of gratitude, you should have let Lucifer eat it.

Beware, remember Ted Nugent and Cat Scratch Fever...........

Atchoo syndrome, they made that up, didn't they?

Anonymous said...

Made it up!!! What do you mean they made it up????????????

Great! I get myself a syndrome and you ask if they made it up!!!!!!!