Sunday, 31 October 2010

Halloween fun.

I saw a neurologist on Friday as an emergency,she says that with all the neuro tests and without the brainscan her best guess is that I am having a bout of 'brain inflammation' and that, subject to scan confirmation, if it comes back again it will be considered MS if it doesn't it will be called a bout of inflammation.She won't give me any drugs for the spasms etc until the scan results are through,so I have to wait now until at least the end of November.Well you could have blown me down with a feather,when I woke up this morning and my legs are working again.So for five days no legs then day six legs again !!!

I thought I would go for a Halloween theme today so here are some nice creepy medical bits and bobs.
 cacodemonomania   are you possessed ?

The bat recognises you and is coming back for more blood.

 Ghost's are a load of bollocks or should that be the other way round?    Bottom right article.

 Don't trust the garlic.

 Mathematical modelling of a zombie attack.

Inverse zombies, anesthesia awareness, and the hard problem of unconsciousness.  Real horror this one.

As an aside to those in the know,some people just shouldn't be allowed to use a pooter,the old PICNIC acronym(Problem In Chair Not In Computer) is just perfect.

1 comment:

seasidegirl said...

Hope the leggies are still in's good news you are feeling better.
You may never know what it was but as long as it's gone, it doesn't matter.

I'm sticking with my poisoning theory, though (mwahaha!). You haven't been eating those ruddy wild, living in the forest mushrooms again, have you ;-)

Anyway, good luck for the appointment, not long now.

Loved the Zombie links.........I'm a big fan of the walking Dead at the moment. but maybe i shouldn't talk about him like that.......