Saturday 4 December 2010

I had my brain-scan on the 24th of last month the good news is they found a brain,the bad news is no results yet,it amazes me just how long it takes to send some data(scan) from one room in the hospital to another and then how long it takes for someone to look at the results let alone tell me what is wrong with me,but hey they haven't killed me off yet.I just hobble and wobble on alternate days,well that is how it feels to me.
I have lost one of my girls to what the local gamekeeper thinks was a marauding mink, another bruised herself very severely trying to get away from it,so she has been living in a cardboard box full of warm comfy straw being spoon-fed delicious luxury maggots.She is now fully recovered and back out with her friends,sleeping in a secure and predator proof greenhouse.
The cat thinks the cold spell is great,he spends all his time catching hypothermic mice and leaving bits of them lying around for me to step on.........
So really this has been a post to say life is much the same as always.

Gratuitous gorgeous grand-kids picture follows.

1 comment:

seasidegirl said...

I don't understand why it takes so long either, fingers crossed for you, though. I'm sure it will be fine, especially as it's getting a bit better anyway,

Pictures of extraordinarily cute grandchildren are always