Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Another day another ten bob.

The dwellers on mount Olympus are not happy with me,or that is the way it would seem.
I went to work this morning expecting a fairly normal day,I know they are having a dinner party tonight,so I was ready to give the place a bit of extra sparkle.Oh dear ! Mrs Boss was at home,prepping some food ahead of tonight,ye gods how does making a salad and a dessert make so much mess? straight after I had cleaned the kitchen she trashed it,so I cleaned it again and she managed to make yet more mess,she then obviously felt badly about it and wiped everything down,I really wish she hadn't,all she did was leave mucky wipe marks over every surface in their high gloss kitchen.Even worse,I have to go in tomorrow and deal with the aftermath .....

My friend L rang,I just knew what was coming as soon as she said "oh thank g-d I got through to you"her Router/adsl modem has broken,instead of ringing me straight away she fiddled with software,I tell her never to touch system files,but she never learns.........

Middling girl child has been on the phone again,moaning as usual,I may have to see if her friends can give me the name of a good counsellor ,tonight's moan gave me a chuckle even if I didn't appreciate her sound effects.
Seems her cats have got super-fleas,she has treated them with frontline to no avail,so combed the cats,in the process she managed to catch a live jumper,crushed it between her fingers and it exploded in her face,let us hope that toxoplasmosis infection makes one a less moany zombie.


grubby macmacintosh said...

ah, so all quiet then .... not !!!!!
Heyho weekend soon :)

Anonymous said...

Another day in paradise eh? Mind you, makes for a very amusing blog. :-)