Wednesday, 16 September 2009

In case you wanted to know....

If you mix your old paint properly it will still match your walls,unlike the fool who stirred the half tin of paint with a pencil,painted where the walls were scratched by four poster assembly and discovered the patches stood out a mile.So having had a good thunk on why the paint no longer matched,I did the only thing possible,I stirred it with a dinner fork.........yay, woohoo, it worked.
Now to the bedroom piccy.........
and this is the lamp.
 So the bed-hanging cost a whole quid,the lamp is a recycled, cobbled together thing,the cushion covers have been gathered down the years,the stripey purple throw came from Camden market years ago,the bed was a freebie,a friend was throwing it away as her hubby was so heavy it sounded like the house was falling down every-time he moved,the lilac flowery bedspread came from mothers house,the mat under the cushions on the home-made blanket box came from a jumble sale for 10p and was then dyed to match everything else........
I hid the crochet down the side of the bed so it wouldn't interfere with the photo,sadly the duster was hiding on the radiator..........


grubby macmacintosh said...

Hmmm, yes, looks very inviting !!! I'm sleeping already :)

Anonymous said...

It looks really lovely - like a magazine cover. I love the colours and blanket box.

seasidegirl said...

It's really beautiful, makes me want a little lie down......

Very relaxing, nice to have a tranquil retreat.