Sunday, 20 September 2009

Weird world linkfest.

You just have to love how eccentric our world is.........
I have an elderly hen who is starting to do the Galliforme equivalent of cross dressing,she is very ancient and as hens only have one functioning ovary when it packs in, testosterone takes over and they grow spurs,crow and generally behave like cocks,maybe she will now turn into a subservient chicken ? or perhaps I should distract her with a little chicken camping ?.
On Friday Grubby and I went out for some light lunch,we had a bit of spare pannini ,so being of the tight persuasion I wrapped it in a napkin popped it in my handbag for later,oops,I only just found it.......still not as bad as the worlds oldest ham.The report was from 1993 I wonder if he still has it.
I blogged here on Great tits eating bats when desperate,well it seems they aren't the only things that like a batty snack.
Contrary to what the papers announced last week,showering won't kill you off....
I need to go down the garden and hunt out the girls eggs,perhaps I will need the worlds largest basket, and as for interesting stuff,how about teddies in space ? what a great science project.
Grubby sent me a good link list for bored moments,the fifty most interesting wiki articles.......


seasidegirl said...

Oh, poor chicken! Is that the hen equivaent of sprouting the odd hair after the menopause? The subservient chicken freaks me out....poultry porn.
The teddy project was brilliant,education at it's best. but did they really go or was it a hoax, like the Apollo landings?

that_woman said...

You and your conspiracy theories :-)