Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Sex,drugs and politics.

I just read the funniest thing ever,they are making Mandy information minister,now bearing in mind  his oligarch friends and the Chinese yoghurt fiasco I really think his title should be disinformation minister.And fancy him making weekly speeches to the country,even the queen herself only makes us suffer yearly.
There is absolutely nothing I can say about Alan Johnson and his desire for policy based science,I want whatever drugs he is on,they obviously make one completely oblivious to any advice offered.See badscience on the Nutt sack affair.

Ok I know it is mean of me, but this report of transient global amnesia following good sex made me chuckle,until,that is, I read that it is most common in people not that much older than me
The next sex based piece I read is a bit of a poke in the eye to creationists,well I think so anyway.What sort of supreme deity arranges for bonobos,humans and bats to be the only known creatures that indulge in the odd bit of oral sex?(you are safe,I didn't link to the bat pron video page) mind, I wonder if bats would enjoy the company of slingjaw wrasse ?
ps. don't worry about fido and tiddles come the rature,I have found just the service for them.

1 comment:

grubby macmacintosh said...

Well as long as bats only indulge in oral sex with other bats ..... well done them !!!!!
Oh and it was interesting to see my ex mother in law on You Tube, eating her lunch :)