Saturday, 14 November 2009

Big words and 'leeking'.

Our favourite comic,The Sun,has gone above and beyond even the word irony,this snippet of a picture is from their website,I am feeling some Epicaricacy (schadenfreude just isn't a good enough word ) after this story from them.You will notice that I  am often partial to a little  sesquipedalian obscurantism.Although when you hear me mumble replies to peoples' vacuous and puerile questions I generally use monosyllables,I do actually know quite a few unusual or rarely used words in the language.I like to hurl them out at odd times just to discompose people.Next up I have a couple of local councils who need to

First and second
Since when has this been news ? when I was a kid there was a saying that went 'spring a leak to grow a leek'.


Anonymous said...

Epicaricacy : what a wonderful word. I must try and drop that in to a converation some time.

I am not sure about the "spring a leak to grown a leek" theory but it sounds quite good and if any one queries what it means I can always fall back on the old roll-eyes routine and a muttering of "Well, if you don't know by now ..."

seasidegirl said...

...He said the "pee bale" is only in use out of visitor hours, since "we don't want to scare the public".

I would like to point out that this townie is already scared..yuck!