Saturday, 14 November 2009


Now I know this is all in the wrong order,but as today is so horrid weather wise,very dark,raining and blowing a gale,I thought I would tell you about yesterday's fun.
It started well,I didn't want to get up,it was dark wet and miserable,so I traipsed down the garden in welly boots, umbrella and dressing gown,not a good look but it did the job.It was so damned miserable even the chickens didn't come out until late.I went to work, getting soaked en route,came home and got another drenching(bloody weather).
When I came in, the house was buzzing with great big blow flies,

the street stank and I knew what had happened,about a mile away as the crow flies, but outside the village, is a nasty chicken farm,one section for battery(watch this one) hens and another set of sheds full of hens(so much for the RSPCA freedom food label) for eating,well they were emptying out one lot ready for the next lot of extreme cruelty to begin,sadly the wind was blowing the wrong way,so all the bloated flies who had fed on hens that died and the faeces of those that had managed to live blew straight down the hill into the houses of me and my neighbours.I am surprised I didn't get OP poisoning from the amount of spray I used,next I swept up all the bodies I could find and then went to get on with my housework,because even I feel the need to clean up in those circumstances.What did I find,a murdered mouse in the sitting room,then in the middle of the night during a break in the monsoon Lucifer the cat the evil one managed to catch a sparrow and murder it in the bedroom,feathers everywhere.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I think I would have evacuated the premises! Called in the army or whoever it is you scream for when the wildlife get in!

On a serious note, how sad that the nasty chicken farms are still in existence.

seasidegirl said...

Gawd, don't you just hate nature............

That cat of yours is a wicked one, have you ever read Pet Cemetary?

I am rapidly going off chicken..........