Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Back to normal moaning.

A little explanation for yesterdays post.I was very down as I had been unable to save my friends hennie when she became ill sunday,I also felt quite guilty as she had asked me several times to look at her and each time she had appeared perfectly fine to me.Still I am not a vet and I did my best for her.So instead of hennie blogging I just had a pathetic day or two.
Yup I have had my self pitying whine and now I am ready to resume my normal moaning..........You lucky readers.

I now have a really good reason not to diet,it seems my enlarged rear end is healthy !
I am busily crocheting a cardi from the book the kids got me for Christmas along with what we call a clever or IQ blankie,it is hexagons in various red,white and black combinations,our Sam has decided they are the most stimulating colours for her baby,I am also making two of these in yellow and green rounds in the way this cardi is done and a rabbit soft toy for Sarah.Talking of crochet,I made a scary toilet roll cover dress for Poppy

when she was born,just to wind my least frills possible daughter up,imagine my delight when Poppy last visited to discover that it was her fave dolls dress and can Nanny make her some smaller knickers,it seems dolls have smaller bums than babies..........
Holy shit,what must the aliens think of us,we have sent into space over one hundred thousand separate postings from have sent a doritos ad and the sound of squelching fannies I kid you not !

Ooh look what I found here..a superb example of a loo roll cover if ever I saw one.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back to your usual self and finding lots of interesting and quirky stuff.

Those babies are going to be the best dressed kids on the block but you better make three of everything - musn't forget Poppy's dollie.

Oh my goodness! that toilet roll thingy reminds me of those crinolene wotsits that old ladies use to make to cover their loo rolls.

seasidegirl said...

Sorry to hear about your friends hennie. It's never easy but at least she ws a free-range hennie for a while.

Lots of good stuff here, you've been exploring....

Unfortunately my bottom is quite small and all my weight is around my middle.Please can you find something that prooves that's better?

Red, black and white,eh? Is she sure about that. I once painted my sons bedroom bright yellow because it is supposed to be psychologically uplifting. He hasn't forgiven me yet and is still a moody little sod anyway.

Love the loo roll cover.