Well I was until everything seized up !
I had my appointment today with the consultant,he tells me that my bendiness in times past is down to 'A hypermobility syndrome' nowhere near like what bendy girl has but officially bendy.
Seems I have a combination of things going on,I have psoriatic arthritis and some quite common post bendy damage,mind it seems to have been a complete waste of time as all I have to show for it are naproxen,omeprazole and a recommendation to take paracetamol too..........and go back in six months.
ps, Still not smoking, bugger I could kill a ciggy about now.
10 years ago
I hate it when they just say 'keep taking the pain-killers' Why the omeprazole? I've taken that in the past for hiatus hernia. Interesting to know the cause of your bendy youth, i suppose, but no consolation.
Well done on the ciggy thing, you're doing fine.
It is annoying when they don't do anything to help but at least you have been diagnosed now. I find I sometimes have to look for information myself and suggest treatments myself.
Someone with hypermobility syndrome told me they had a hinged knee brace and it had helped them so much, their knee was much stabler and was getting stronger. Next time I saw my rheumatologist I suggested it and she agreed to refer me for one, I now have a knee brace that quite literally holds my knee together. If I hadn't mentioned it then I probably still wouldn't have one. The medical professionals should be the ones finding out what could help but unfortunately sometimes they don't. Of course sometimes their is nothing they can do except give painkillers but it might be worth googling your conditions and trying to find out whether their are any treatments. This is a link to the hypermobility syndrome association http://www.hypermobility.org/ which may be helpful
Seasidegirl,the omeprazole is stop the anti inflammatory doing too much damage to the stomach.
Bendy rebel,thanks for the link I will go have a look round there,I don't need a brace,I have gone from Bendy to seized up..I was lucky I never actually dislocated stuff properly I just had that thing where joints pop half out then back in again,painful but nowhere near as bad as you,how's the house hunting going ?
Beware the omeprazle, it can give you wicked tummy cramps.
the house hunting is on hold partly because I've sort of destroyed my pelvis with travelling 4 hours on a train too often, only myself to blame for that but it means I can't travel at the moment. Also the man is being...well...a man! I'm wondering why on earth I got a man in the first place at the moment!
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