Tuesday 17 August 2010


Well still no grandson,daughter has high blood pressure on and off,was due to deliver last Friday and is stressing me no end.They have given our Sam 3 lots of hormone gel 3 times trying to induce labour,they have done a sweep of her cervix and would have broken her waters,except a nearby specialist maternity hospital has closed its doors for some reason so a load of their ladies are at Sam's hospital.So we are playing wait for a gap in the queue for them to set Sam off properly,I have volunteered to stand her on her head and perform a variation on the Heimlich manoeuvre but it wasn't a welcome suggestion.
The old legs hurt,a lot, but aren't swelling anywhere near as much as they were before the magic socks so fingers crossed,I would cross my toes too but there isn't enough room in the socks.
If one more person stops me in the street to suggest magic hand-waving for the legs I will commit murder,the magic hand-wave must be the trendiest current woo.

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