Saturday 7 August 2010

Well the postman laughed.........

As I explained in no uncertain terms to the loopy theists on my doorstep that unlike my near neighbours, I wasn't eighty with a terminal illness,nor did I have mental health problems I am in fact completely not vulnerable,but sadly did not have several hours free to explain the error of their ways(I really wanted to chase away the black clad vultures),mind you the postman was delivering a letter from BT offering to flog me a sports tv package,they really ought to check what their customers are up to before they waste so much on mass mailings.
I am one of their not so well off broadband customers,this means they charge me £4.50 a quarter because I pay my bill quarterly in cash(direct debit isn't a good idea when you live hand to mouth and sometimes rob Peter to pay Paul) then if I am a few days late they  add another £7.50 to my bill for late payment,which would be okay call costs rarely if ever even come to £7.50 the bill is almost entirely broadband and line rental,always billed a quarter in advance,so they charge me the 7 1/2 quid for not paying far enough in advance,it gets worse though,as of october line rental costs will rise from £12.79 to £13.29 per month, while daytime caller rates will increase by 10%.Of course one will  have the opportunity to reduce the line rental cost to just £9.49 a month by paying for 12 months up front by credit or debit card - but this may not be a realistic option for those like me already struggling to make ends meet.
So they are not only charging me for paying two and a half months in advance they will be charging me more for not paying a year in advance,as I live out in the countryside I have no cable option available and dongle reception out here is virtually non-existent.
Good news is that today I am walking without limping,

I have had massively swollen feet and lower legs for several months now,having tried water tablets, the doc sent me to nursey to be fitted for Norah Battys,they work,spend half an hour puffing panting and pulling to put them on in the morning you pop them on in the mornings before the legs swell up then they make the muscles in your calves act as pressure pumps for the lymph far they seem to be working,although I must admit I went for knee length black socks rather than stockings as I am almost always in trousers anyway.

We are waiting anxiously for Sammy my youngest to go into labour,Rory-James isn't due until Friday 13th(you just know what chicken nannas pet name for him is going to be don't you ?) but she started getting a really huge bump a few weeks ago and in light of all that happened with poor little Michael she was sent for an emergency scan,all is well with the baby but he is thought to have weighed in at 8lb three weeks fair makes your eyes water...............still maybe they got the estimation wrong.
Our Bex is expecting a sister for Poppy in November,I will soon have worn out my fingers with all the crocheting and knitting.

Note to self ' Blogging should not be neglected,even if it is only a waffle.'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Know the feeling Re black clad scavengers,I'm afraid I have had to resort to rudeness, with a 'Sorry not interested, Goodbye' before firmly shutting the door:0(
As to B Band providers I too have no choice as no cable in this street, mine is £26 per mnth but do get free national calls all week for that.
don't envy you each morning as you struggle with stocking hell, but glad they are working.
Seems a real bouncer is on the way, and another one in November, Someone's Knitting and crochet sorted for next 5 years. ;0)