Tuesday 11 August 2009

Laundress of the year award !

That is what I should be getting,the boy at work managed to produce roughly eleven days laundry today.....so I have washed and dried and ironed.....again.
The good news is that I have discovered a fantastic new diet,eat at the garden table with three bantams and three ex-battery hens begging at your feet.......you just won't get all the calories on your plate.To distract me from the woes of the world I thought I might start a new crochet project,I have been looking for a fairly easy cardi pattern,that will crochet up quickly,so far I have come up with this one you can see to the right.The free pattern can be found here linky
The world's woes.
To tamiflu or not to tamiflu that is the question(well it is today)Our own aunty beeb says tamiflu is a waste of time linky, whilst The Reveres at effectmeasure(a much more informed source) say otherwise-ish linky. And if in doubt blow magic trumpets and use ancient incantations linky and if that still isn't enough how about some bunnybola linky
Aung San Suu Kyi has unsurprisingly been given another 18 months of house arrest,I wonder if the slightly mad American chap who got her extra time is getting psychiatric help?
Various Americans are screaming nazi and/or commie because Obama wants all Americans to have access to health care.........
Typhoon Morakot is devastating Taiwan,parts of China and the Philippines.Japan had an earthquake rapidly followed by Typhoon Etau.
I am so glad I live in a sleepy English village.


seasidegirl said...

Hey, nice blog, i am trying the comments........

seasidegirl said...

Did it work? SSG x

that_woman said...

It did indeed.

Unknown said...

Love that cardi , But looks far to complicated for my crochet skills