Monday 17 August 2009

Monday madness

Well sex madness anyway.
It all started with a page I stumbled,this one,I just had to check and see if it were genuine,do you know how funny a translated sex education page is ? have a look or even this.
Now a sexy picture for you.........


seasidegirl said...

neuken in de keuken? I don't believe it for minute, Wind up!

I have to say, the bad translation of that page makes it sound really filthy..........

The lady birds need to get on with it, i haven't seen one around here this year. What's a ladybird aphrodisiac?

Anonymous said...

Flipping heck! I hope this blog is X-rated!

that_woman said...

SSG we have a plague of ladybirds round here,do you want some ?
Chinwagger,I may have to go x-rated,I may re-start my weird sex blogging that I used to do at the old place.the science stuff not pron.

seasidegirl said...

Go ex-rated anyway, to be on the safe side. Also it does a lot for your street cred..............

Unknown said...

neuken in de keuken Lol its right SSG in fact it translates as 'Screw in the kitchen' Like you I thought a wind up til I checked :0)