Sunday 23 August 2009

Poe's Law

I have to call Poe's law on this one,found over at Pharyngula..... on science blogs
This is one of the candidates for the Livonia, Michigan City Council. And you thought our British politicians were fruitcakes.

Then we have that Beckett woman.....

"Members of parliament face costs that are not incurred by people "in other walks of life", former minister Margaret Beckett has said."


"The effect of a number of the ideas which have been proposed could be to require even greater sacrifice of families and family life - a sacrifice fewer people may, in time, feel able or prepared to make."


Mrs Beckett claimed second home allowances of £72,537 from 2004 to 2008, despite having no mortgage or rent to pay on her constituency home in Derby.

As environment secretary and foreign secretary, Mrs Beckett was living at the grace and favour Admiralty House in Whitehall, which enabled her to rent out her London flat.

She said at the time that grace and favour homes were not rent free as they were taxed as a benefit in kind.

Does the woman not understand that what she claimed just in second home allowance in those four years is more than I earn in ten ?

Does Berlusconi have shares in viagra ?

The FSA are going to make credit unions amongst others pay a levy towards the bank bailout,so again the little guy pays for the rich.
Finally the press are stirring up a shit-storm about the early release on compassionate grounds of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi. This is where I join the conspiracy theory crowd,but that is a whole other post....Suffice it to say I suspect that at most he was a message boy and certainly not a bomber.


Anonymous said...

Either she doesn't know or she doesn't care - I am not sure which one is worse!

seasidegirl said...

OOh, oooh! can you do the conspiracy theory now, please, please. There are so many good ones. I've got : 1)it was the PFLP, funded by Iran but they framed Libya because they needed Iran and Syria onside for the Gulf War. 2) It was Abu Nidal, funded by Gadaffi 3)my persoanl favourite, it was a cover up for a CIA protected drugs route.

Go on, do the conspiracy thing!