Trouble is I rarely feel up to the brain effort involved.
So here we go on a massive catch up.
I went for my day on the the neurology ward at Addenbrookes hospital,they obviously have a different meaning for the word day .......I was there by 7.30 having an MRI before 8am and had had my lumbar puncture and 17 blood tests and was on my way home by 10.30 am.Why the letter said anything about a doctor I don't know ,I didn't even see a passing neurologist,I did however see the nurse practitioner who told me I was walking badly(I thought I was having a good day)took my bloods,she seemed very nice except she managed to avoid telling me what my blood tests were for no matter how often I asked,I found this quite belittling to be honest.Still the reading matter was entertaining in the waiting room.Yes this is a photo of the available selection !I won't get any test results for at least another week,I am just dreading the thought I may have something hereditary that I may have passed to the kids and grandkids.
A week or so ago I had an incident with my bicycle,the chain snapped,got caught in the wheel and the bike immediately threw me in a hedge,I looked around and saw no one was looking(phew) then spent ten minutes trying to disentangle disobedient legs from the bike,the poor thing is so worn out that replacing the chain makes no sense as the gears and brakes etc are all shot,it is going to be cheaper to buy a new one.This incident got me in quite a tizzy though as I cannot walk far enough to get to work I have a borrowed friends daughters bike(bicycle Chinese whispers there) for the minute.
I have just found out I am losing my job at the end of May(not related to neurological issues) The boss has said that as I will probably only get a weeks redundancy pay would it be worth her getting rid of me ostensibly for health reasons,I am not very brave and told her today that I would prefer the legitimate route and will fight it out with the benefits system when the time comes.
Bruce my tiny light Sussex bantam hen sadly died yesterday,she went to sleep and didn't wake up,she had a good life though,almost fourteen years of free roaming and meal-worms,if only all hennies could have it that easy.
Today it was brought home to me just how badly I walk,there was something of a head wind as I was cycling home from work,so I got off and started walking,doing my usual and using the bike as somewhat of a walking aide.A chap stopped his car and came up to me and said"are you alright dear? do you need me to push the bicycle anywhere for you" I thanked him for his kindness and explained that I didn't need any help.
The funny thing is I can walk perfectly normally if I am walking backwards,just shows that it is the wiring not the legs that are broken.
Pictures stolen from here
and here
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