Thursday 10 September 2009

Today I are mostly been reading.......(obscure Brit TV reference)

For the last week I have been leading a somewhat odd life.I take some pretty big doses of painkillers then go to work,I come home and for the last two days find myself having a three hour nap,whether this is due to the painkillers(all within recommended doses but way over anything I would normally take)or the pain that seeps through or maybe as Grubby suggested to me,it is the body shutting me down so it can heal or even all of the above,then I spend my time reading,sitting up at the desk or even in a comfy chair or bed soon starts to become painful,making crochet impossible,So I read books laying down.
I finished 'The Blind Assassin' by Margaret Atwood in the early hours of this morning,a brilliant read but in it's way just as dark as her masterpiece'The Handmaid's tale' aren't women brilliant at writing dark and foreboding stories,I just read 'The Trafficked' by Lee Weeks,she is spouted as the female James Patterson,I also just finished his 'Step on a Crack,Trafficked was way darker and nastier.........
I have just started reading a light hearted treatise on the way we speak called 'A Plum in Your Mouth' by Andrew Taylor.
There are also a few tomes I suspect I shall never read,such as The Haunted Vagina by Carlton Mellick III or The Bible Cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Don Colbert or even The Lost Art of Towel Origami by Alison Jenkins.

1 comment:

seasidegirl said...

Hope you are feeling better, and yes, sleep is the best thing for you, your body goes into shock when you are in pain and sleep is the cure. I rather envy you all the reading though.

The Handmaidens Tale was one of the most disturbing things I have read for a long time. The concept of equality is very frail and doesn't go very deep......