Tuesday 8 September 2009

Pigbola by proxy.

It could be worse I could have Munchwotsits by proxy........I could be gaining attention by making one of you poorly....instead I keep imagining the start of a sore throat.It is all my neighbours fault,she sent me an email in a brief, coherent, temperature below a hundred moment.......
First Mad Cow Disease, Then Bird Flu, Now Swine Flu.
It's Farmageddon!!
I am seriously fearful of this, whilst the old rib cage is malfunctioning....
Hey, do you remember the Arctic Sea,I blogged it over there.Well it seems I may not have been too far off, as to the reason the Russians were chasing it around in such a hunt for red october style.
I see that poor soul who has to live on rations will be even worse off,he has been demoted,sadly Cameron seems to me to have done this way too late,it is now obvious that it is due to public and media pressure rather than common sense or decency.
Did I tell you that my youngest who works in a nursery was asked recently to watch a colleague, and grass her up for any errors, as she is pregnant and the bosses want to sack her,our Sam was worried to death about her own job as she wasn't prepared to be a party to it.....well Sam has just been 'poached' by one of the parents to be a full time but live out nanny to their two very tiny children.Better rate of pay,they will also cover the cost of thirty driving lessons and theory and practical tests.......plus lots of available overtime at a tenner an hour off the books,now that is what I call landing on your feet.Mind you I often wonder why these people have kids and then hand them away for the bulk of their lives.
PS. My ruddy ribs still really hurt grrrr !! wait till I see that grubby again,I am blaming him,fancy plying me with wine and music........

1 comment:

grubby macmacintosh said...

see it's always the blokes fault. !!!
but seriously, get better soon.