Monday 7 September 2009

Well I am officially broken....

Went to the quack this morning,when she had finished laughing she told me I had to go to hospital,seems she wasn't happy with the noises coming from my chest,so.....I have a torn intercostal muscle,I had to look that up and I have a minuscule fracture of rib 9.........
The odd noises from my chest are because I had been avoiding coughing and the pain that caused,so they have kindly given me a weeks supply of codeine,less pain means able to cough without being all pathetic and girly.So tomorrow I am off to work wearing that elastic thing ,having negotiated with the hospital doc,you aren't supposed to strap your chest any more,but he reckons four hours a day should be ok,so long as I can manage to cough when I take it off.
I aint even fifty yet and things are breaking................oh woe is me.


Unknown said...

Glad you went , but sorry to hear your sill in pain....there is nothing worse than wanting to get on and do things but being unable to do it all because of pain... very frustrating.
I was on co-codamol 30-500 while my back was very bad twas the only thing that touched me, and even then had to crawl everywhere on all ..........can sympathise with you....

grubby macmacintosh said...

So the doc laughed...... Hmmmmmmm.and I see ssg reckons us 2 are safer at work !!!
Well I'm certainly not, I've just managed to strain my shoulder putting up new light fittings on one of my projects. Bugger this getting old is a pile of poo.

seasidegirl said...

Oh dear, hope you are both feeling better today and the pain-killers are kicking in.
As for getting old.....never!

Unknown said...

Hope things are easier today for you...That_ woman, & a pity that you could not take the time off to fully recover. People are going down like flies, you with your ribs and Grumps with his shoulder, Kitt my friend from Oz had to log off last night as she's suffering from son has a frozen shoulder......
SSG Getting old or not, times are when life's just a Bitch.......

Anonymous said...

Well, what do you expect when senior folk stay up all night head banging, not to mention climbing on roofs and stuff ...

Hope you two are feeling better and steering clear of anything energetic
