Sunday 6 September 2009

Well that is just great....

I have damaged ribs/muscles and my next door neighbour just rang to tell me his misses has we all know how lucky I am ,I have visions of still cracked ribs,flu and asthma in a few days time.....gggrrrr !


grubby macmacintosh said...

Oh dear .........
One night of relaxation, and we end up with torn muscles, neighbours with pork flu and missed parties with the boss !!!!
And me ? I've been cleaning gutters all day ......
Isn't life grand ?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear :-(

seasidegirl said...

I really think you two are safer when you're at work! Cleaning gutters is a lot dangerous than head-banging.

Seriously though, don't you have a back problem anyway? Have you been to the doctors and have you got a supply of inhaler at the ready? Hopefully you won't need it but best to be prepared.

Grumps, when I read your comment I thought it said missed panties with the boss! must be something to do with pre-conceived expectations.

There will be lots of other parties and at least you didn't have to help with the clearing up xxxxxxxx