Sunday 6 September 2009

The quacks it is.

Unless I make a miraculous recovery overnight,I am off to the docs tomorrow.
I have been wearing this elasticated monstrosity of a sports support,it helps enormously,but having looked online to see which painkillers are best,I have discovered you are no longer supposed to bind damaged ribs or chest muscles,it seems you are more likely to get chest infections as you don't breathe as deeply and can't cough so efficiently,particularly important for an asthmatic.......
So I am off to see if I can have some prescription strength painkillers. We all know what a debacle it was trying to get sick money after my gall bladder exploded,I really can't wait six weeks again,so strong painkillers and no sofa moving or time off work for me .
Yesterday I got my friend to pick up some veg for me,she had a jaunt to asda,the only stuff available in the village is well past eating,I am an old fashioned eater, waste not want not and all that,but even I don't eat rubber carrots or pay £2.49 for a kilo of tomatoes only fit for frying.My friend is a sensible shopper,so I gave her a fiver,said "buy dark green leaves(cabbage or kale)two small onions a head of garlic and then use your judgement",she did a fantastic job,a parsnip,a turnip,a sweet tatty,3 carrots,kale,broccoli,tiny savoy cabbage,a courgette and one orange,one nectarine,four fat strawbs and some black cherries for a fruit salad.....Today I have been feasting,so if you read this Karla,thank you,it is much appreciated.

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